Episode 120 – Mr. Banana with Nick Wood and Lisette Voytko

CreepyPodsta: The Creepypasta Podcast welcomes back Lisette Voytko and Nick Wood as we all turn into bananas while talking about Mr. Banana.

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Theme music is by Matt Holt

If you want to be prepped for future episodes, go ahead and read up on FunnymouthThe Children UpstairsThe Showers, Old MacDonald Had A FarmHuntsville Camping TripMy Best Friend In 9th GradeThe Devil Lives on Old Mill Road, I Want To Scream, Jeff Went Left, The Bonewalker, The Clear Blue Spring, Dining Room or There is NothingI Dared My Best Friend To Ruin My LifeDevil’s NightOn A HillCabin GetawayThe Orangutans Are Skeptical of Changes in Their CagesArkansas Sleep ExperimentThe SeparationIt’s not just the dark….WhispersDead ArmThird ParentNine Brief Scenes From the End of the WorldHe Went AheadGraphic DesignWanna See Me Take It All Off?If the stars look strangeAutopilotThe Nuclear Incident on Bumblebee LaneBen’s PlayhouseMonster in the ForestThe Black SquareDear Abby

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